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Educating Patients and Attendants

Knowledge is the path for cure for any disease.

Better you understand your disease, better the outcome of any therapy. Just medicine won't be sufficient to fight life threatening diseases like Cancer, HIV, Hepatitis, Nephropathy etc.

Hence we firmly believe that educating patients or their attendants can make a positive difference in the therapy as well as outcome. As we now know mind influence immunity, it is imperative to involve patient conciously.


Below you can download the PDF writeup with a brief view of concept of therapy we follow.

What patient required to do.

You can meet the chief consultant personally to discuss the modalities of therapy to suit your needs specifically based on assessment of the present diagnostic reports like CT scan, MRI, Ultra sound, Histopathology, Blood reports (including CBP, LFT, KFT, D3, hsCRP, ESR, etc). Therapy may consist of liquid, powder, capsules, and CHOCOLATE.  You can procure them periodically and follow the instructions.


If you can't come personally, you need to send good scanned copies of all reports if possible by email. You would get reply mail from Chief consultant and Pharmacologist including a therapeutic proposal. After required formalities, formulations shall be couriered to your address along with instructions. Telephonic support would be provided to patient.


You can follow us on FACEBOOK and share the knowledge with your friends and relatives to save a life





Some website links which you may find useful;



Diet plays a major role in fighting cancer. Although Organic Vegetarian diet is found to be the best and safe, there are some instances some patients crave for Non-veg food. Although we discourage, considering some situations, we recommend safe meat & Chicken. Thus we attempt to list the sources appears to be safe. Patient need to be discrete and take a decision.


“Diet can be used to prevent and reverse cancer just like it prevents and reverses heart disease,”. “A diet high in animal protein increases the amount of carcinogens going to the cells. It increases the enzyme MFO (mixed function oxidase) that causes increased carcinogenic activity.”







Disclaimer: We don't calim to cure, mitigate, resolve any diseases like Cancer, diabetes, hypertension, parkinsons, alzheimers, HIV

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